Originated in South India, Carnatic music is the melodic improvisation of the keerthanas through fixed compositions. Having over 300 ragas, Carnatic vocals are serving as the foundation for any type of singing including folk music and film music. Our Carnatic vocals program is designed with a structured syllabus that helps the students to master the foundations of this foundational music and lets them explore afterward.
The syllabus starts from “Pre-grade” and goes all the way till “Grade-8” with varying lessons including theoretical explanation of the core concepts. Students opting for the optional gradelevel assessments will be provided the detailed syllabus and relevant materials to help them prepare for the assessments
Hindustani music is a North Indian music tradition based on ragas which diverged from Carnatic music in the 12th century. Carnatic music deep dives into raga and explores all the aspects of it. Raga essays (alapanas) are elaborated from note to note in Hindustani music. Hindustani musical performance is based on a composition which is set to a meter and from which extemporized variations are generated. This particular form of music is very voice centric and helps a great deal in voice culture.
Apart from Carnatic vocals, our school also trains the enthusiasts in Light Music. Today, karaoke apps galore and provide the platform to people who want to take their singing interest to the next level. If you’re looking to hone your singing skills to be able to effortlessly sing movie songs, this program is for you. Our training program can mold you to set your path in the toned-down light music to cope with the modern light music era.
A trained voice is the attraction factor for singers to lure a listener to drown in the melody. Our specialized voice training program focuses on vital aspects such as breathing techniques, generating volume, voice diagnosis, vocal stability, resonance, warm-up techniques, etc., These techniques help you improve the quality of your tone and pronunciations, hence grooming your musical output. This is a specially curated program that has advanced voice exercises, hence requires the students to have some basic training in music or at least be able to sing in the right pitch and rhythm.
For the students interested in music creation, our trained musicians offer quality keyboard classes. These classes can help you to learn the foundations and advanced keyboard techniques to create your tunes for various moods. Our keyboard program offers different variations for interested individuals, such as Western, Film Music and Indian Classical. Based on the interest of the individual, the relevant course will be taught by the guru. We help students practice and prepare for Trinity grade exams as well.
Along with vocal and musical training, our experts are also training students in the oldest classical dance tradition in India, the Bharatanatyam. Standing unique from the western dance styles, Bharatanatyam is an expression of feelings through facial expressions, gestures in hand, and movement of the body. You can be trained and get certified as a classical Bharatanatyam dancer after completing our syllabus and assessments.
It is believed that chanting slokas provides a natural boost to the immune system. In ancient Hindu tradition, slokas were taught and recited to everyone as they emit vibrations that activate the chakras on the face and forehead that play a role in learning and focus. It is also important to inculcate this habit early in kids which will help in imparting cultural values to them. Children and adults alike, we are teaching slokas to all age groups!
Our programme on South Indian Percussion Instrument Mridangam. Mridangam is used widely as an accompaniment to Indian Classical Music and Dance. We offer a structured syllabus to master the intrinsic finger movements required to strike the right Rhythmic syllable and get beautiful rhythm patterns along with certificates in each grade.
Our course on Kanjira let’s you experience and master this percussion instrument that is widely played during Bhajans and nowadays used in Carnatic and Fusion Music. Experienced staffs of our school will take you through the course and while you master each level earn a certificate along with expertise in playing the instrument.